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⚡️ SSL#003 : Stop Getting Left Behind

Aug 19, 2022


In today’s newsletter, I want to share 3 tips for becoming more explosive in your start so that you don’t get left behind.


According to studies, the average sprint distance in a football match is about 20 meters.


Having a powerful start can be the difference between winning or losing if you sprint very short distances.


Unfortunately, most people struggle to build a powerful start, so here are 3 ways to make sure you’re not one of them.


Master The Slice


Having a fast start is a combination of developing technique and power.


From the technique side, the slice is what we are looking to accomplish.


This is when your foot attacks the ground from a low position.


If you’re already following me for a while you probably know this.


But it’s easier said than done.


This is an exercise that elite sprinters use in their training but rarely talk about.


The 3 tape drill.


Use 3 pieces of tape to mark your foot strikes.


Set them around the points where your foot contacts the ground on the first 3 steps.


They serve as a mental cue for where to strike so that your focus shifts from lifting the foot to putting it down.


Example workout:

  • 3 sets x 3 reps
  • 1 min rest between sets
  • Max Effort


Find The Steepest Hill


From the power side, your body needs to develop horizontal forces.


In order to do so, we need to do sprints with heavy resistance.


The problem is that most of them don’t have access to a sled on a regular basis.


One solution is to build one yourself for around $25 if you have a garage.


The other solution to this is to use very steep hills.


When I say this I mean finding the steepest hill in your town.


I live in New York and in the image above you’ll see the one I use.


Even the fastest humans making mega millions per year, like Ronaldo still use hills because it simply works.


Example workout:

  • 5 - 10 reps
  • 10 - 30 meters
  • 3 - 5 min rest between reps
  • Max Effort


Power 1X Week, Technique 2X Week


If you’ve been training for a while and truly consider yourself an athlete then you understand that progress requires patience.


Believe it or not, the 2 things above can take you far IF you do them consistently and progress the movement.


At the minimum, you should be doing heavy resisted sprints 1x a week to develop horizontal power.


And at the minimum, you should be working on sprint technique 2x a week during your warm-ups, drills, and cool-downs.


All quality reps, no trash sets.


To progress these movements you could increase the sprint distances, increase the weight (sleds) and or increase the frequency at which you do them.


Using this formula, we can build a more powerful start by simply adding a few exercises into our schedule.


Without disrupting a program we might already be following with a team.



  • Increase your horizontal power using heavy sleds or very steep hills
  • Fix your technique using the 3 tape drill
  • Train your 1x week, technique 2x week at the minimum



Stay Fast,



Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:


1. Fix your technique and run faster using Sprint-Cheat Codes. (1,000+ success stories)

2. Apply for 1-to-1 coaching. (Fully Booked Right Now)

3. See my videos on Youtube



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